
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fibonacci Haiku: Winter Wonderland

Beautiful wonderland
 White Crystalline Snowflakes
Snowy terrain and sparkling lights
The coldest season exposes warmth in our hearts

Monday, November 18, 2013

SP#5: Unit J Concept 6: Partial Fraction Decomposition with Repeated Factors

The viewer must pay attention to the common factors. You need to pay attention to the factors and count them because that is how many times there will be an exponent. The viewer needs to distribute and combine properly because small mistakes can be made in this area. The viewer needs to look at how many systems there are in order to have the same amount of variables. 

SP#4: Unit J Concept 5: Partial Decomposition w. distinct factors

The first thing we do is compose. This means we multiply by the bottom numbers and then we get a larger fraction. (you first have have to combine like terms)

This part is decomposing. You have to find what multiplied into this large fraction to get there.

Type in what you end up with in the calculator. You should end up with what you started with.

This shows that once I checked it, it was right.
The viewer needs to pay attention to combining like terms in order to get the problem right. The viewer must pay attention on the least common denominator. The viewer needs to make sure their answer is correct after checking it with what the problem originally was. This can be checked in the calculator. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

SV#5: Unit J Concept 3-4: Solving three-variable systems with Gaussian Elimination

The viewer needs to pay special attention to how to do the whole matrix because it can become very confusing. Also, you should pay attention to how to check it on your calculator. You should also put a - on the z so it won't be confused for a 2. At the beginning, if something can be simplified, then do it because it will make it simpler. Also, if an equation has negatives and you want to make it positive, multiply it by -1 to make everything easier. The viewer must make sure to do every step correctly because if not, then everything can get messed up.